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SeekLoad LRN

SeekLoad LRN

44 years old
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SeekLoad LRN
I do not understand why the hell are so many people idolizing political lazy leaders? Who are nothing without their people. Instead of idolizing the heroes of the lower ranked and working class who RI... View More
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We are honestly very annoyed and try to get off some "steam"... what else should we do ? If we remove the gypsi scum we get attacked. If we remove the Jews, NATO comes. If we want to be free, we get infiltrated by Illuminati and Masons. It´s not a fair game.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
If we get rid of one at a time, till the end all will be dealt with. But for that it is a long road and it can sadly not be done.
So what can we do? We can wake up more people, not only get off some steam, but actually wake people up to revolt one day against them. If hat would happen, then we alrea... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
So my advice of what we can do other then letting steam out, is to wake people up, and by that create a bigger army that will fight the NWO when the time is right. Because even if we alone cannot make enough people, fact is that if the people we wake up, also wakes up others in their term, it si BEC... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
But with that said, I am not the sharpest knife in the shed, there are things I do not know. So sometimes I need to listen too.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Proof once more that I and my family are hunted.
Today the police in Sweden stopped my dad to take his phone number and his copies of ID. And all that without reason as if it was a common control.
What ... View More
Well.... then you should may be stop to talk with Just-Chad Breithaupt. xD
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Who is "Just-Chad Breithaupt"? I know not of such name. Also this is a loot higher then some person chatting or posting on some community. The people behind this is of power and are trying to hide themselves behind imbecile idiots to do their bidding.
  • October 26, 2019
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Why he did go to Sweden ? It´s a nightmare there and full of Freemasons. My condolences for everyone who has to suffer under injustice in Sweden.
  • October 27, 2019
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Where i live there are no stop signs in the road out front, but at least once a day someone slows way down or stops out front. But i dont give a shit. It means nothing till something happens. I have been singled out by the zoning, forestry, DNR and the police a few times. I never did a thing. I stil... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
First a virus was sent to my computer that stopped my computer from being able to upload files online, then the next day the threat with the knife at my home in Romania, then at 3000km away in Sweden this happened to my dad that the police control him for no reason in deference of some Gypsy from Ro... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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What are the odds that nobody calls you back....ever. NOBODY. Conspiracy? Nope.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Why should anybody call anyway?
But the odds that all happen within 3 days is too much of coincidence. To not mention that the guy who tried to beat me up for taking pictures of his friend who threatened me with a knife, that guy when he did try to beat me up called me a harassment name only the bul... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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I just mentioned to you earlier that someone stops or slows down in front of my house just happened. If they pull in....they gonna have issues.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Yes but what if that happens many times, then it stops being coincidence. Or what if that person does something that somebody else did long time ago who you know. Then that also stops being coincidence.
Or what if not only that happens, but another thing at the same period of time that both seems to... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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But America is the worst ever though. Karma bit quick didnt she
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
SeekLoad LRN
For all of you who thinks Hitler was not friends with the UK royal family. Now ask yourself why would the UK Royal family make Nazy salutes?
Even if you ignore the media, the video of the English Royal... View More
SeekLoad LRN
Real life EXAMPLE of why Citizenship matter and how it can create both friends and enemies:
Me and my family refused to have the citizenship of Sweden for over 30 years ... View More
SeekLoad LRN
We all have our stories of life, but we who had a more unique one and learned things, and saw things many, many others and maybe nobody other saw, we should SHARE this experiance and teach others.
That... View More
SeekLoad LRN
America that calls itself democratic, old people that has even minor mental problems and former jail birds are not allowed to vote, and neither are allowed many them who are handicapped, even if they ... View More
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Traitors call it democratic it was never meant to be. Its the same as losers who never amounted to shit in life calling for any kind of socialism
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
I 100% agree on that. Thurder more, these traitors are so blind that they have a hard time putting themselves in those shoes and when that time comes they start complaining and saying "help me God" but God does not listen, cause God knows how evil they were before.
So in their extreme ego and blindn... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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I see the problem youre slightly tarded.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
All people in a nation with citizenship of that nation belongs to that nation, no matter if they are in jail or not, or were or not, or are of other skin color or not.
The ENTIRE meaning if citizenship is to have that person belong to that country.
If you want some people to not belong to your countr... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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If a nation chooses to grant citizenship based on a set criteria and there are people choosing to live there who do not meet that criteria, the nation in question owes them jack squat. Nothing. The non-citizens can leave for someplace better. A nation is not responsible for nor accountable to non-ci... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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It's most certainly NOT a problem at all and citizenship can/should be revoked. Because there was weakness in the past, we will now fight again for lands we've already won.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Real life EXAMPLE:
That is why my family refused to have the citizenship of Sweden for over 30 years of our lives even though we are white, blond and were invited to take that citizenship and leave out native citizenship.
But if we had left it, that would mean we do not belong to our land anymore and ... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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No one color one nation. Period niggers and other browns should never have been part of a white nation its against nature and against God. The faxt you think thats ok says you might be brown
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
It maybe against, but it is the result of man stupidity to ignore Gods words. So how we lay our bed, that is how we sleep.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
The mistake of my people the Romanian Thracians were that we accepted the Gypsies to come and immigrate in our country, and now we cannot get rid of them and they are slowly bit by bit with purpose destroying our culture.
Our mistake was that we were too kind with them.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
The American mistake is that you wanted slaves, regardless what color those slaves were. That also lead to why you accepted Satanic Jews to rule you.
  • October 26, 2019
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I see youre gypsies
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
PROOF you do not know history.
Native Romanians are proven NOT gypsies.
Gypsies are from Inidia, Romanians are Thracians from North Greece and blood line to Egypt.
The oldest Gypsies came to Europe 1000 years ago from India. The Thracians were in Europe even 10 000 years ago.
  • October 26, 2019
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The U.S. electoral college is better for preserving personal freedom than majority-mob-rule systems.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Is it. How? Were is that majority when the jail birds and the former jail birds have no right to vote? Are not jail birds and former jail birds are they not also citizens of your country and of your race too?
You could be in jail too if you did an accident with a car for example. So does it mean you... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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What the fuck is a "jail bird"? Those who lose voting rights are felons. A felon is a person who has been found guilty of a felony. Having an accident, last I checked, is not a felony in and of itself.

Furthermore, voting rights are largely restored in most states after the prison sentence is serv... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
By the way, o you know that your vote does not matter, since that is why you only have 2 options. So what ever you chose it is the two sides of the same coin.
How is that election system democratic, when you chose between shit with peanuts and shit with corn? But in the end it is still shit you vote... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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You show your ignorance again. As Americans we can have many options not just 2 😆 worry about your own country if you have one and quit acting like you know anything about America
  • October 26, 2019
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"SeekLoad LRN" is so obviously a typical docile gypsy
  • October 26, 2019
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A low-IQ one at that.
  • October 26, 2019
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Let me just say I am fairly recently handicapped...had a stroke after a very bad year 2018, of loosing 2 parents and dealing w their estate...funeral.... That being said....F anyone who has not walked in my shoes. How dare anyone judge me or mine!! All those assholes are idiots! Said my peace....I'... View More
  • October 26, 2019
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Say something bad about the country you live in for a change.
  • October 26, 2019
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Where in the actual FUCK do you come up with some of this SHIT?!...SHOW ME!! Where old people, handicapped people arent allowed to vote in the U.S. Show me or shut the fuck up about it...dude you got some fuckin serious mental issues yerself....SHOW US or STFU
  • October 26, 2019
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He probably read it in the National Inquirer.
  • October 26, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
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SeekLoad LRN
SeekLoad LRN
Actually it does consist of Jews too, except not all Jews consists of them. Also these Satanic Jews would not exist if people did not let them.
Also last yes the Satanic assholes are not only Jews, the... View More
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