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SeekLoad LRN

SeekLoad LRN

44 years old
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SeekLoad LRN
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SeekLoad LRN
SeekLoad LRN
Humans used as live stock organ trafficking in Europe.
This case is the result of organ live stock trafficking, not illegal immigration as the news tells us. Plea... View More
SeekLoad LRN
To consider yourself native, should mean to respect the native culture or a land and to be part of that native culture and respect the natives of that land as you also respect yourself as a native of ... View More
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SeekLoad LRN
Dictionary change with time. I wonder why? (I do not really wonder, cause I know why)
Could be because they are trying to justify the political aspects of that time that the dictionary is written in?
No... View More
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Pssst...I'm white
  • October 24, 2019
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I believe the proper word for from another orgin, but born in America is "Naturalized" citizen....not to be confused with native American...but not even all "native Americans" are truely native....aka siberian ice bridge migration...
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
I agree to that too
  • October 25, 2019
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Native Americans have 4 DNA groups to varying degree across North America.
Siberian, what was called Korean, Norse which is also native and Celt again also native.
Norse and Celt are found in white natives all the way to New Zealand.
The purest or oldest admixed Native American is found on the west... View More
  • October 31, 2019
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I have a dictionary printed last in 1938.
  • October 25, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Good for you, now you can research and see what they changed. Cause I am sure you will find loads of things they did change. Even if one or two words change, the entire context can change because of those one or two words.
  • October 31, 2019
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I found tons of shit they changed, including the word "socialism".

I was looking at a 1990's dictionary one day and I notice the word "airbag" and its definition was completely illiterate.
Referring to the safety restraint device in the transportation industry, the "airbag" was described as being l... View More
  • October 31, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
A SINCERE and correct just person, cannot have TWO masters and serve TWO native nations.
Only a thief, layer, a psychopath and manipulator including a murderer does that.
You Americans who are born in A... View More
America is my NATIVE land...I have European still don't understand, do you?

BTW...did I tell you I'm white?
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
So by saying "America is my NATIVE land and I have European ancestors" you also admit that your European ancestors did wrong and now the result of their wrong made you Native American instead of Native European that you should have bin if your European ancestors had loved their Native land, that sad... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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You should really stick to European history/ is painfully obvious that you don't know as much as you think about native Americans/cowboys or the's ok to admit it, just not ok to pretend you do & push some shit you read in a book...I live don't...
BTW...did you know ... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
And yes you did tell me your white many times. I do not have fish memory.
  • October 24, 2019
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Hey...I'm white
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
The biggest enemy of the world is not the bad evil people who we need to get rid off. But the biggest enemy of the world is the ignorant blind who do nothing to get rid of the bad evil people and who ... View More
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My did we ever survive without your wisdom to guide us?...

Oh yeah, did I tell you I'm white?
  • October 24, 2019
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Get rid of the big assholes and the smaller assholes wont have anyone to support.
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
If you love and want to save human life, you should agree to this and we have solved all race problems on the planet if we agree to this.
- Its okay to be white in Europe.
- Its okay to be black in Afri... View More
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I am white and native to this land so fuck off with your constant bullshit
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Bullshit? Can I ask you if the the white are native to the entire earth as you say, then were do Blacks, Brown and Asians come from? Are they ALIENS in you mind???
  • October 24, 2019
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According to a multitude of ancient accounts, the blacks went on a global invasion rampage a few 1000 years ago.
There are still whites indigenous to New Zealand to this day. The Moira say they invaded. The oldest mummies in Peru are white, 9500 year old Kenniwick man has white features. Indigenous ... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
YOU STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT because when saying natives, I mean all natives, the white to the land of the white, and the black to the land of the black and the brown to the land of the brown and the asians to the land of the asians..
  • October 24, 2019
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  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
CHOSE, You cannot be a native to Europe and to America.
  • October 24, 2019
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🤣😂🤣😂Are you triggered? God you're easy...I never claimed to be any of those things you haven't been paying attention to me or who I am...go back & do your research, then get back to me...

BTW...did you know that I'm white?😎🤣🤣🤣
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
And you know I am white too, and for REAL native to Europe, unlike the Austrians mixed white Hungarians who are Mongols. Have you bin paying attention by the way???
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
You want to disrespect natives of lands that is not the land of the white, just because you are white. How does that compute with God? Because as I know those people who are not white are made by the same God that made us.
as we have OUR right to OUR land and OUR native culture, so do they to theirs... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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Wasn't BORN in Europe you fuckin the definition I supplied for your dumb ass
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
You call yourself a native because you are born there, because your parents are born there and YES you are native for that reason, but that is if you respect the native land you are in. But THE PROBLEM IS "you don't respect it", and that makes you a criminal exactly like your ancestors who mass murd... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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My ancestors where slaughtered AND slaughtered the ancients of this land so fuck you...if I felt you to be worthy of further explanation, I would provide it to, I am a WHITE...NATIVE AMERICAN with German, Irish, Welsh blood in go away with your bullshit...
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
If your ancestors where slaughtered AND slaughtered and are ".NATIVE AMERICAN with German, Irish, Welsh blood" then part of you is native and part not. You need to chose, you cannot serve two masters saying that you are native for both. Because one of them were the ones who SLAUGHTERED the other one... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
You are white, that is okay, be white and American, but be honest with your past by not thinking that both your blood lines are equal to that land. Because only one of your blood line is truly native to that land, the other is not. So because of that you have the opportunity to honestly and with no ... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
Dictionary change with time. I wonder why? (I do not really wonder, cause I know why)
Could be because they are trying to justify the political aspects of that time that the dictionary is written in?
Now lets break it down truth and false.
QUOTE example:
Native =
+ belonging to a person by bi... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
So who is the retard now that falls for the games the assholes in power does by changing the aspects and meaning of words in dictionaries to fir the political aspects of their made suystems.
YOU ARE THE RETARD cause you fall for it and believe in their faked dictionaries. You do not see what is a li... View More
  • October 24, 2019
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🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂ohhhh 😂😂😂😂😂you are the funniest fucker I think I've ever trolled...your so twisted up right now i can feel it all the way over here & anyone following this thread KNOWS you now...

BTW...did you know I'm white?🤣🤣🤣
  • October 24, 2019
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SeekLoad LRN
And lets add to that is not mentions all the Japanese that lived in USA who was man hunted, targeted and also lost their jobs and families by orders from the American government even after WW2, just b... View More
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