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SeekLoad LRN

SeekLoad LRN

44 years old
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SeekLoad LRN
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SeekLoad LRN
SeekLoad LRN
The time will come when those balls will be tested if they are of steel, or of shit pretending to be steel. But till then, I will chose to believe your balls could be of steel new comer.
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I can assure you my balls are forged from the finest steel.
  • January 26, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
Do not forget. Reality is like this. This is the world we live in...
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SeekLoad LRN
Think about it!
Trump or Bidon... Left or Right but either way NWO wins. THINK!!!
Many Americans and maybe you included, still believe you vote will change muc... View More
Yeah you're right about that they are both super cucked to israel and biden you can throw china in on him. The sad truth is our entire govt is against us. They are all elitist fags and they are maniacally obsessed with playing god and controlling people. There is one way to beat them and weve lost t... View More
  • January 15, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
Sorry to give you the bad news, but it is even worse then that. You do not only have that in office, it started with the worst. You have Devil worshippers in office, and they bin in office for a very long time, that is why the rest followed and will continue to follow till those Devil worshippers ar... View More
  • January 15, 2021
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Yeah very true satanic jews . I agree though the only way itll stop is by removing the heads . Literally . Guillotine chop lol. God helps those who help themselves we gotta keep god first but that dont mean just pray we gotta take action for it to happen god just gives us the wisdom and strength to ... View More
  • January 15, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
Look God will give you and me and anybody a chance, but God will not force feed you in the mouth. Those Atheists who say "if God is good, why does he not do this or that" totally ignore the fact that God gives opportunities and possibilities, not actions, the actions are up to you as a human to do, ... View More
  • January 16, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
God gives us wisdom, straight and opportunities, but it is we who need to take the actions when the chances are given to us.
HOWEVER BE CAREFUL so that we do not get deceived and the chances are given by the evil one to lure us into a trap.
  • January 16, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
My friend, many have fallen for those traps and they keep falling. That is the part that bothers me.
Fools that chose the easy way will always exist, but deceived people who think they do good wile they put fuel to the fire helping the evil one is the biggest problem of them all.
  • January 16, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
There is an old story once told and now it is a bit modernised, but it goes like this:
Once upon a time there was an old lonely man in a house at the country side, right at the margin of the town.
A huge flood came and he started to pray "God help me, I do not want to drown. I want to live."
So ri... View More
  • January 16, 2021
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If we all keep cheering these Aholes into office, we will never have our freedom.
  • January 15, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
That is what I am saying. However if we are forced to play the game of cheering them in office , let us cheer what we can use against them the most. Not whom can be used against us the most.
That is why I was for Trump and I was against Hillary and am against Bidon.
Trump is a puppet too, except his... View More
  • January 15, 2021
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No matter who, they will still tax the crap out of you.
  • January 15, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
Yes, now they will, cause we are in peace time. But what happens when this system falls, when war an chaos begin and rules are not anymore respected?
Yes true they tax the shit out of us, and of course less tax if we are self sustainable as I a quarter already am. Water I can get for free, food if t... View More
  • January 16, 2021
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  • January 15, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
Do not forget. Reality is like this. This is the world we live in...
  • January 15, 2021
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SeekLoad LRN
The puppet masters should be our targets, the muppets and president marionet are just puppets and tools to use.
But the puppet masters can be exposed and destroyed trough them, if we play it right to o... View More
SeekLoad LRN
Alternative to Google use my page
And FIRST chose form the box above something else, that is not Google. Like DuckDuckGo or something else...
I will in the future update i... View More
SeekLoad LRN
SeekLoad LRN
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