WARNING USA robots vs GOOD Asian robots.
And pros and cons using a robot as wife
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This is why USA is much more dangerous the Asia (China included... View MoreWARNING USA robots vs GOOD Asian robots.
And pros and cons using a robot as wife
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This is why USA is much more dangerous the Asia (China included) for the human existence on the planet. USA create military robots of metal, in other words future TERMINATORS that can and will kill humans. Wile Asia create plastic fragile robots that can be destroyed if they turn against humans, there for that is not a terminator. USA created TERMINATORS that are hard to destroy.
But there is one bad side with a wife robot. That is if they go crazy of a wrong programming. Of course if we put aside that it has no soul and everything is a software with plastic and metal.
But psychologically, humans do not need a soul to feel good, they need to feel loved.
However there is a god side too with robot wives, it will make woman to understand better what men need, and not be so nagging and hard on them. NOTE there are good woman too who know how too. NOT all woman. And yes that is why many western men like Asian woman, not robots, but real woman too. Because many western woman have become hard to live with. Not all western woman, but too many.
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This is how they DECIEVE you that Jesus was only about Love so you do not hate and attack them Kazarian Satanic Jews in power using Jesus name for it... Learn to understand Jesus correctly thr... View MoreENGLISH:
This is how they DECIEVE you that Jesus was only about Love so you do not hate and attack them Kazarian Satanic Jews in power using Jesus name for it... Learn to understand Jesus correctly through his actions too... Jesus said "follow me" and if you follow him, then you should know his actions too...
They say Jesus said "turn the other cheek" and "love your enemy" but actually that is not what Jesus said, that is what the church twisted it into. Jesus said "turn the other cheek", but not what you do when you have given him a second chance. Because according to Jesus once the other check is turned and you gave a second chance, if he fails he is punished.
Does the church tell you that???
No they never will...
Also Jesus said "love your enemy" but he never said "how". You can love to hate them too, there is no were Jesus said "love them gently" right? Jesus loved his enemies in such a way he told them in their face were they will go "to hell" and called them "you snakes, you vipers, your condemned to hell..." in other words he loved his enemies so, that he told them exactly were they will go...
So yes "love you enemy" but that does not mean "do not love them with hate" also "turn the other cheek", but that does not say what happens after you turned the other cheek and gave them a second chance.
The Christian church is run by Kazarian Satanic Jews who took Jesus words out of context and made it into their own proffit.
Jesus is NOT to blame.
Christianity that Jesus made is NOT to blame.
The Twisted Christian church run by Satanic Kazarian Jews is to BLAME for the misconception of Jesus true meaning behind his words.
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Așa te PACALESTE ei că Iisus ar fi fost doar despre Iubire, astfel încât să nu-i urăști și să-i ataci pe Kazarieni Satanici Evreii la putere folosind numele lui Isus ... Învață să-l înțelegi corect pe Isus și prin acțiunile lui ... „și dacă îl urmezi, atunci ar trebui să știi și acțiunile lui ...
Ei spun că Isus a spus „întoarce cealalt obraz” și „iubește-ți dușmanul”, dar de fapt nu asta a spus Isus, dar în asta a răsucit biserica. Isus a spus „întoarceți cealalt obraz”, dar nu ceea ce faceți când i-ați dat o a doua șansă. Pentru că, potrivit lui Isus, odată ce cealalt obraz este întoars și tu ai dat o a doua șansă, dacă tot rau este, el este pedepsit.
Biserica îți spune asta ???
Nu, niciodată nu vor spune asta ei ...
De asemenea, Isus a spus „iubește-ți dușmanul”, dar nu a spus niciodată „cum”. Poți săl iubesti cu ură, nu există niciununde în care Iisus a spus că „iubește-i cu blândețe”, nu? Isus și-a iubit dușmanii în așa fel încât le-a spus în fața lor unde ei vor merge „în iad” și i-a numit „voi șerpi, vipere, condamnați la iad ...” cu alte cuvinte, el și-a iubit dușmanii, astfel încât le-a spus exact unde vor merge ...
Deci da, „te iubesc dușman”, dar asta nu înseamnă „nu-i iubi cu ură” și „întoarce cealalt obraz”, dar asta nu spune ce se întâmplă după ce ai întoars cealalt obraz și le-ai dat a doua șansă.
Biserica creștină este condusă de Kazarieni Satanici Evrei care au scos cuvintele lui Iisus din context și le-au transformat în propriul lor profit.
Isus NU este vinovat.
Creștinismul pe care l-a făcut Isus NU este de vină.
Biserica creștină a răsucit contextul, din motiv că este condusă de Evreii Satanici Kazari, care este VINĂVĂL pentru concepția greșită a adevăratului sens al lui Isus din spatele cuvintelor sale.
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They even use the colour phycology by putting "getting is an" then last word "excuse" so phytologically the subliminal mind of the drunk reads "getting is an excuse".
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I who have 5 years of professional art training and also took 3 years of phycology class noticed this trick right away.
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