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SeekLoad LRN

SeekLoad LRN

44 years old
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Status Update: #26456

SeekLoad LRN
To Dan and others who constatly play a huge dick all the time but were is their results? WERE??? Big loud mouths with NO ACTION to actually be of use in this war against the Satanic Jews in power!!!!
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hearts horses
Excellent and very valid!It is about time someone put Dan in his place and may I add very intelligently! But there will be one tiny disturbing thing that will happen after he reads your sound rant,Dan won't process it and understand that he does have a problem of being a donkey's rear end and his ar... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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''There was an attempt to put Dan in his place''

  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Yea he made it a topic about religion, driving away from the main topic of actually doing something in action to make a change and destroy them in power step by step, regardless of religion or not.
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
I admit I drove off a bit there on that topic and forgot he was diverting the topic. But still the question stays the same. What did he do in real life to benefit the fight against them in power, except talk?
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Looking at hoe he defends them in power by saying that he does not, it starts to make me think that maybe he is payed to do so, an that he is fake with the freedom fighters in the fight.
I surely hope I ma just being paranoid on that one.
  • December 19, 2020
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The Pagans invented the Stars and the Sun to prove that Jesus wasn't real and shieet! It is all Satan Magic!
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Nothing in the universe is a coincidence. That I believe in. Regardless if it is a Christian God or a Pagan God.
  • December 19, 2020
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Tim Brown
Hell of a magic school they had back
  • December 19, 2020
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According to ''some'' the Pagans probably sacrificed millions in a Blood-Ritual to make it happen!
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Hmm yea and how can we confirm that?
Have mass graves or masses of bodies bin found everywhere on the planet? Nope the mass theory was that pagans were burning the dead. So that is just a theory as we always like to dramatize mans history.
It has bin known of animal sacrifice and yes human sacrifice... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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I am Pagan, i wasn't serious at all man, i am a bit rough in the edges sure.
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Good, then you know that the millions killed by pagan religions is BS. Yes some pagan religions did sacrifice human lives, but that is far from all pagan religions and far from being the truth in general.
  • December 20, 2020
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Jesus, basically the oldest story every told!
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Same thing with Satan turning the cross upside down and using the star of David as the Star of the Satanic Zionist Jews.
  • December 19, 2020
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No.... Silly
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
We are not the only dimension. Satan mean nothing, it only means "the enemy" and that can be anything from other dimensions that do not want us here.
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
So when saying the above, it means that such entities drive the wills of them who seek those entities and sadly they who do it are the ones who are in power of this world. Why do you think they are called Satanic and then Jews?
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Alos mind you that, that is a Egyptian religion you talk of and tell me why was Nefertiti exiled from being a pharaoh? Why was her son Tutan Kamen killed?
Well I know the answer to that, do you? Cause if you do, then you know that Christianity is a loot older then Jesus and yes it has similarities b... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Trust me, everything is pre planned by entities far older then man kind and they steer it up to make confidence so that man kind will be lost in their beliefs. And yes the Satanic Jews are helping those entities, doing their bidding.
I agree to that, that is why so hard to know what part of the bible... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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Bah, brain on tuna
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Also forgot to mention.
It is easier to deceive when you can make similarities and the history of man kind has a re-run as we do now after Noah.
  • December 19, 2020
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Keep telling yourself comforting lies
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Its not a lie, Romanians used to be pagans, and in their pagan religion the prophecy was very similar to what Jesus told. It was the similarities that convinced the native Romanians or Thracians as they were called, to change to Christianity. We native Romanians (Thracians) were NEVER forced into Ch... View More
  • December 21, 2020
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The Europeans and their Star-Magic!
  • December 19, 2020
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Jewish looking mosaic
  • December 19, 2020
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Why is Horus, Lucifer and Jesus referred to as the Star from the east?
(Lucifer and Satan is not the same being, Christianity simply had to get rid of the Roman Version with lies)
Luci-Fer= Light-Bringer, which isn't even a name but a concept of duty, in this case a cosmic duty!

The Hexagram have not... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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  • December 19, 2020
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Jesus, the Sun is a Capricorn, born in the month of ''VIRGO'' so whatever BS you made up about ''Mary being a Semite-Palestinian'' is just that, BS.
The Sun have a Virgin birth once every year, and dies every year in a endless cycle, hence: New-Year, counting each cycle, everything is about Cosmos, ... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
You said "which constitute and rule all life on Earth" I agree and now why do yo exclude happenings or incidence on earth because of that cosmos ruling?
  • December 19, 2020
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Because it is about the elevation of our spiritual self, which energy consist of the seven spectrum of rays from the Sun and the bouncing light from all the planets, the CODE/Hertz of life.
The Black Cube represent seed in the ground, also known as Matrix= Womb.
Only the true chosen, the Váli will be ... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
So you admit or you are saying that the universe star system has and controls our actions in life too.
Hmm I can see how and I sort of agree with that.
But sorry right now I cannot anymore think to deep. I need a break after what I bin through tonight warring of my fathers health. I tried to b as ... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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Yes and No, we are electro-Magnetic beings, we emitt energy, and we recieve energy as well.
We can tune our own electro-magnetic radiance which we emit, it is a matter of tuning it into the Flower of life hertz, and we have been off our own axles for at least 2 millennials now, disconnected from Nat... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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where can a guy find resources to some of this knowledge you have been dropping here? Im a big time believer in vibrations and I think theres a way to cure all disease and mental disability through different frequency of vibration . I would like to learn about the cosmos and astrology its my most la... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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SeekLoad LRN
Look guys, I am getting tired now, and because of that I am loosing control of my comments. So lets talk another time. Tonight I did not sleep at all cause of worry, and it is unrelated to these topics. It is my father who is very sick and on the road now back to Sweden. I cannot fully concentrate o... View More
  • December 19, 2020
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hearts horses
I hope your father will get better,I am always around if you need to chat.Take care of yourself getting run down and lack of rest can sneak up on you.
  • December 19, 2020
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