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The Drugs Used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans
Many of us living in the parts of the world where marijuana has recently been legalized may regard ourselves as partaking of a highly modern pleasure.
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Dueling as a Film Trope: Pretty Much Pop #109 Considers The Last Duel and Its Genre
In light of the release of The Last Duel (which you needn’t have watched), we talk about the trope of the honor-resolving duel in movies and TV.
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The Murder Mystery Edition
On formulas, fiction, and new approaches
Jazz Virtuoso Oscar Peterson Gives Dick Cavett a Dazzling Piano Lesson (1979)
Duke Ellington once called Oscar Peterson the “Maharaja of the Keyboard’ for his virtuosity and ability to play any style with seeming ease, a skill he first began to learn as a classically trained ch...
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Read 800+ Thanksgiving Books Free at the Internet Archive
On Thanksgiving Day, Americans make the (sometimes arduous) effort to gather for an enormous traditional meal and for many, a now equally traditional viewing of televised football. But even when stret...
In 1997, Wired Magazine Predicts 10 Things That Could Go Wrong in the 21st Century: “An Uncontrollable Plague,” Climate Crisis, Russia Becomes a Kleptocracy & More
Hydrogen-powered cars. Biological, then quantum computing. Gene-therapy cancer treatments. An end to the War on Drugs. Reliable automatic translation. The impending end of the nation-state. Man settin...
The Winged Victory of Samothrace (the Nike of Samothrace) - Samothrace, Greece, dated c. 200 BC. Louvre Museum, Paris by Patrice Molinard, 1950.
Legendary DJ John Peel Makes a List of His 20 Favorite Albums
Image by Zetkin, via Wikimedia Commons
Before there were influencers, there was John Peel.
Get Unlimited Access to 3,000+ Courses for $1: Sign Up for Coursera’s Black Friday Special (Available Until December 4)
The pandemic has lessened the appeal, such as it was, of going out to shop on Black Friday. Of course, for a while there, it precluded the possibility of going out for any reason, even an educational ...
Elegant 2,000-Year-Old Roman Shoe Found in a Well
When the Romans pushed their way north into the German provinces, they built (circa 90 AD) The Saalburg, a fort that protected the boundary between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribal territories...
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