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Brit /pol/

Captcha Challenge
Brit /pol/
Brit /pol/
Insert Benny Hill Theme here
Brit /pol/
S***’s about to get real
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Are those mobile grocery trucks? Like they want you to buy everything online and not go to a store something like that...Am I right?
  • August 10, 2021
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Yes we are close

Revelation 13:17-18
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three

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  • August 12, 2021
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Brit /pol/
My brain told me this was a "No Witches" sign and refused to see anything else for a good while.
Brit /pol/
Don’t forget, punctuation (or lack of) can totally change the meaning of a phrase.
Brit /pol/
Brit /pol/
Meanwhile in York, things are getting back to normal
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Brit /pol/
A Haribo ring with no hole. Starting bid 60k.
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Brit /pol/
Without telling the name, summarise your city with an image, I’ll start:
Brit /pol/
Congratu-fuckin-Lations. An absolute legend. She deserves it!
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