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Brit /pol/

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Brit /pol/
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Brit /pol/
Brit /pol/
What a joke. She will let in 'asylum seekers' from Africa and the Islamic world but not a Briton.
Brit /pol/
If only something had happened 4 years ago that could have given you a clue that things would change.
Brit /pol/
Brit /pol/
Looks like the "security" firm at the invader camp in Penally are a bunch of cowboys. Also its run bu a filthy dirty muslim.
Brit /pol/
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Brit /pol/
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  • November 22, 2020
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Your freedoms can be written on a postage stamp.
  • November 22, 2020
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You can't even collect rainwater lol didn't your local council make you take down your shed too? lol
  • November 22, 2020
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We can collect rain. Only a couple other states did then. By the way, now that my shed is gone, they made it legal to have again. There was a big court case about that and their tyranny lost. I built a new one.
  • November 23, 2020
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Beware Americans,this is your future too, unless you put those guns to good use.
  • November 22, 2020
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Brit /pol/
Fuck off with your sob stories. I hope he dies.
John Ross
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