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Brit /pol/

Captcha Challenge
John Ross
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And still she didn't do anything about it. While she had the power of communication to do massive damage to their credibility.
She didn't, the cunt.
  • June 12, 2021
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John Ross
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John Ross
Brit /pol/
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Brit /pol/
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Brit /pol/
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Brit /pol/
Some good news
Brit /pol/
LMFAO. Fuck off with your gay yellow card
Brit /pol/
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A booster or 2? are you fucking serious... if it gets spread person to person, do those people need a 'vaccine'? What the fuck is it vaccinating you against if you need to get it twice a fucking year? Nothing. is the answer to that you agenda pushing rat fuck. If people fall for this shit I might st... View More
  • November 19, 2020
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What are you talking about taking it seriously? Why do you keep blaming the general public for the actions of our governments? Its the governments i blame for the actions of the general you should. You have admitted yourself that the vaccines were always the plan, why keep blaming the pe... View More
  • November 19, 2020
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Brit /pol/
Government doesn't like the competition.
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