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Brit /pol/

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Brit /pol/
That must have been a great PubWatch meeting. Fuck you. Banned.
Brit /pol/
No whites allowed!
If this was the other way around it would be illegal.
Nicholas Farrugia
I have a slight suspicion this could be racist against whites.
  • November 12, 2020
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I can see it now, tons of stupid, "White people, am i right?" jokes.
  • November 12, 2020
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John Ross
  • November 21, 2020
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Brit /pol/
Only fucking 3 years
Brit /pol/
Brit /pol/
  and  reacted to this.
Brit /pol/
Brit /pol/
Delayed? Should have just run them over.
Brit /pol/
Ungrateful "asylum seekers" have held a 'HOMES NOT CAMPS' protest outside the camp in Penally, Wales this morning 🙄
They taking the piss😡😡
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Yea sure they should be relocated.
Either back where they came from or into the ground
  • November 11, 2020
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Well they are lined up against a wall so that part is done next we need to get a MG 42 and then we are ready
  • November 18, 2020
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Brit /pol/

VANGE - you are able to fight your neighbour providing you wear a mask and social distancing rules are adhered to.

PITSEA- burgling homes in your local are... View More
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