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Geoengineering for the NWO
Common Interest
Überfall auf Syrien! | Die unheimliche Koalition | Einheit der Feinde | Domino Effekt! | Entstaatlichung für die NWO! | Sei herzlich Willkommen beim Dude
Geld kann alles verkehren! Nun geht es um das Wasser! Flucht, Vertreibung, Entvölkerung, Entstaatlichung, Okkupation und Ausbeutung! Wissen ist Macht, Dummheit macht dich zum Opfer! In Syrien zersche
Ana Lim and Jimmy van der Graaf reacted to this.
This blogger was permanently banned from facebook. He has a very informative page.
gerrythehat and Coz reacted to this.
Massive rainfall in desert countries. The water goes for fracking and desert farming while causing droughts in neighbouring countries.
gerrythehat and Coz reacted to this.
Iran Accuses Israel of Cloud Theft: Weather Warfare and the CIA Cuban Rain Embargo · ClimateViewer News
Water wars hit the middle east: blame climate change because nobody wants to blame the Climate Changers!
Coz likes this.
This is a very good blog by an Italian who is threatened to be sent to jail because he called a journalist a liar because she was "debunking" chemtrails and their use in geoengineering.
He is accused o... View More
He is accused o... View More
gerrythehat and Coz reacted to this.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 14, 2018, #153
Will social media providers continue to ramp up their censorship until a totalitarian state prevails?
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 7, 2018, #152
How many actually want to know the truth about climate engineering and rapidly accelerating biosphere
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 30, 2018, #151
Over a half century ago former president Lyndon Johnson (vice president at the time) stated:&
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