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Over 10 Percent of Tesla Model S EVs Fail Germany’s Strict Inspection After 3 Years
It’s actual hard data on Tesla’s quality issues as seen in the wild.
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As U.S. companies beg for applicants, Germany to admit 400,000 skilled immigrants annually
Some 10.6 million jobs are currently available in the U.S., but with only 6.3 million currently unemployed workers, the gap between job openings and the number of available workers has never been high...
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In Germany, wearing a fake yellow badge as an anti-vaxxer is now a criminal offense. Also comparing yourself to jews in the third Reich is now being seen as "secondary antisemitism"
Schluss mit der Holocaust-Verharmlosung! Polizei geht gegen Corona-Demonstranten vor
Jetzt ist Schluss mit der Verharmlosung des Völkermords an den europäischen Juden durch Impfgegner! Polizisten sollen auf Demonstrationen und Kundgebungen eingreifen, wenn der von den Nazis eingeführt...
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Head of German navy resigns after saying Putin deserves respect and Crimea is lost forever
German navy chief Schönbach resigns over comments on Putin, Crimea | DW | 22.01.2022
Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach stepped down as the head of the German navy after publicly saying Crimea was lost to Ukraine and that Vladimir Putin “probably” deserved respect.
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eyeo wins landmark copyright court decision; protects digital rights and sets important legal precedent for who ‘owns’ HTML
eyeo today announced that it has successfully defended and won a landmark court decision involving whether HTML can be subject to copyright enforcement.
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If you register that you are religious in Germany, then church taxes are deducted from your paycheck and sent to the church.
Church Tax in Germany (Kirchensteuer): What it is and how to stop paying it
Expats are often surprised to find they are unwittingly subject to church tax in Germany (Kirchensteuer). In this article, we look at what the tax is, how much it costs, who is liable, and how you can...
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Tens of thousands march in Germany against COVID-19 restrictions
In one city, police used pepper spray as a crowd of 5,000 people marched for several hours, bringing trams to a standstill and blocking the roads at times.
Germany shared a link
Protests against Germany’s Covid restrictions turn violent as Europe moves to stem Omicron
Protesters tossed bottles and fireworks at police as they to voiced their opposition to stricter social distancing rules that went into effect Tuesday across the country.