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Historical Pictures and M
Map makers before the invention of AutoCAD or GIS software, 1950s.
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Historical Pictures and M
Chinese explorer Zheng He’s ship compared to Christopher Columbus’ “Santa Maria”. They both lived and sailed at the same time.
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Historical Pictures and M
Puritan picket against revealing swimwear on a Florida beach. Circa 1985. USA
Historical Pictures and M
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Historical Pictures and M
Bronze 'Tsar cannon' - 20' long (6 meters), 39 tons. Designed in 1586 to fire 890-mm stone projectiles capable of knocking down castle walls. Each round weighed 1,700 lbs (770 kg).
There is no officia... View More
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Historical Pictures and M
Jim Henson helping an old lady cross the street in 1982.
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  • March 6, 2022
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Historical Pictures and M
Standing at seven feet and nine inches, Martin Van Buren ‘Kentucky Giant’ Bates was an unforgettable figure to encounter on the Civil War battlefield. Date of birth: November 9, 1837 Date of Death: Ja... View More
Historical Pictures and M
Girls making petrol bombs during the Battle of the Bogside, Ireland, 1969
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Historical Pictures and M
The longest beard in recorded history belonged to this man, Hans Langseth. The monstrosity of hair measured over 17ft, and ultimately took his own life when he accidentally stepped on it, breaking his... View More
I really doubt just stepping on his beard would just break his neck. Maybe the fall after that.
  • March 3, 2022
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Historical Pictures and M
Tsar Nicholas II fooling around with cousin Prince Nicholas of Greece and Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich, 1899
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