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Historical Pictures and M
The Sears Catalog used to be assembled by hand.
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Historical Pictures and M
Palmyra - The village inside the Temple of Bel, early 20th century.⁣

#palmyra #syria
Historical Pictures and M
An Orchestra jamming away on the ocean liner 'SS Leviathan', somewhere over the Atlantic in the year 1926
Historical Pictures and M
An immigrant family arriving at Ellis Island in 1904.
Historical Pictures and M
Georgi Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky, and other Soviet officers greeting Bernard Montgomery and other British officers at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 12 Jul 1945
Historical Pictures and M
Marshal Zhukov inspects the troops during the 1945 Victory Parade
Historical Pictures and M
History Repeats Itself. Circa 1935
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Historical Pictures and M
Enlisted men of unit 5891-E with Red Cross Canteen Worker, Helen Alston, before sailing overseas, 1944.
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Historical Pictures and M
Horace Hart in 1895. Horace was the inventor of the Oxford comma, and looks like the type of man to have the swagger to start an argument that lasts decades. Do you, or do you not use the Oxford comma... View More
Historical Pictures and M
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