National Socialism is the answer to world peace between races and groups, between one nation and another. To begin, it is not anything other than the right of each race to preserve their own culture. National Socialists usually have a powerful love for others as they do for their own race. At its beginning ithad been 2 men in France that began the movement and what it meant for any nation is the right of that nation to live independant from other nations. The beauty of it is that you do not need the banking controls but may improve upon the economy with what you already have. National Socialist nations focus upon the race living within them. Exploring and expanding your culture, each citizen may feel the love for others around them because they are all of one race. The incentives are removed for crimes and corruption because there is nothing to gain by having more money than another, as the money itself has no value in National Socialist nations. Freed of upper and poor class distinctions there is no prejudice and people may know that each of them have value for who they are and not by material gains. Your family and folk are the people of value to you and which grows with you as a nation. One need not live with hatreds anymore for others but may appreciate others for their differences. Such a concept is valuable to nations in alliance with other nations because they may conduct the business of barter with one another for necessities of those things they cannot grow or manufacture themselves. Thus the ideal of National Socialism is that you may love yourself, your race, and be free to love and appreciate others for their racial differences.
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National Socialism
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