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Privacy Awareness
Internet & Technology
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Justice Minister announces online freedom of speech bill
If a social media service doesn’t obey a ruling, a special court could subject it to a fine of up to EUR 1.8 million imposed by the Office of Electronic Communications.
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Untangling Compliance: Working Toward a Global Framework
As part of Cloudflare’s recent Privacy Week we hosted a series of fireside chats on security, privacy, and compliance. Many of these conversations touched on the intricate legal debate being held in E...
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Facial recognition identifies people wearing masks
NEC developed the system in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
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If you’re a WhatsApp user, you’ll have to share your personal data with Facebook from next month – and no, you can’t opt-out this time
If you don’t agree then, well, you’ll just have to use the infinitely better Signal
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Google avoids updating iOS apps as Apple adds privacy labels- 9to5Mac
Google hasn’t updated any of its iOS applications since Apple started requiring developeres to provide privacy details to users.
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Police may access TraceTogether data for investigations: Desmond Tan
Under the Criminal Procedure Code.
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Map of CCTV camera density in every country
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Doesn't matter if your phone is smart or 'dumb'.
Watching the Watchers - How Surveillance Companies track you using Mobile Networks
Every day, surveillance companies attack mobile networks, attempting to track the location of mobile phone users. We will analyze, using ...
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How Zoom violated its own terms of service for access to China's market
Like global tech companies before it, Zoom caved to the Chinese government, even when it meant overlooking basic human rights.
Like global tech companies before it, Zoom caved to the Chinese government, even when it meant overlooking basic human rights.
It’s time for big tech companies to stand up to China
Ali Velshi talks with Scott Cleland, a Google expert and author of