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computer repair

Internet & Technology
i`m using a asus p5nd motherboard fron the trash can.everyone i help was in trouble tried the rest,theyall failed.did deep recovery modes,including linux/ubuntu mail recovery. so i know my stuff.worked for morons.walked out on them after they ripped off customers. i told them the repairs were not good because the machines had bad motherboards,ect. they sent them out against my wishes.they all came back like i said they would. the repairs i did,that i knew were right never had issues. my motto is if i don`t like it,or preforms badly,i don`t bother fixing it.time to replace the bad unit. i do alot of data recovary,xp is better for my needs.less roads to get the job done faster.most i will use is vista,for higher end stuff.that is why you needs people who knows what there doing.i get things done very well. my computers hardly crash.