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Nostradamus' predictions were based on past events; he simply believed history would repeat itself. He would pick historical events at random, then use astrological calculations to figure out when the... View More
Random Interesting Stuff
A Megalodon tooth compared to a Great white shark!
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Random Interesting Stuff
The worlds oldest football was discovered behind panelling in the Queens Chamber within Stirling Castle, Scotland and is believed to have belonged to Mary Queen of Scots around the 1540’s.
Random Interesting Stuff
Norway hires sherpas from Nepal to build paths in the Norwegian mountains. They have completed over 300 projects, and their pay for one summer, equals 30 years of work in Nepal.
Random Interesting Stuff
Dick Williams A Titanic Survivor who spent over 6 hours waist deep in freezing water - after rescue doctors wanted to amputate both his legs - he refused and went on to win the Wimbledon Men's Doubles... View More
Random Interesting Stuff
A 64-year-old manager at a French defense manufacturer was gifted a ride as a passenger in a military jet but he failed to secure himself properly in the cockpit and at one point tried to to hold onto... View More
Random Interesting Stuff
In 1996, a newborn baby girl was left in a garbage can near the city of Kolkata, India. Three friendly street dogs discovered and protected her for nearly two days, even attempting to feed the child b... View More
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Random Interesting Stuff
The Actual Reasons Toilet Stalls Don't Go All The Way To The Floor -
Random Interesting Stuff
Centuries old weight management programme.
Random Interesting Stuff
In 2018, a woman accidentally paid a Swiss cafe $7709 for coffee because she entered her PIN number as the dollar amount. When she called to get the money back, nobody answered because the cafe had fi... View More
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