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Right To Keep And Bear Arms
Common Interest
The Ultimate Home Defense Glock Build Part 1: Budget Blaster
Picking the right upgrades or accessories for a home defense Glock is critical to maximizing its performance. But with these upgrades, you’ll have the ultimate home defense Glock.
The Ultimate Home Defense Glock Build Part 2: Silent but Deadly
When it comes to building a home defense Glock, sometimes money is not an object. When that’s the case, these are the top upgrades.
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Look at the bright side: If they can't keep a caucus under control, there's zero probability they could maintain or enforce any sort of gun registry.
They Can’t Run A Caucus, But Want National Firearms Registration & Licensing
The Iowa fiasco demonstrated the party of gun control that wants to run national firearms registry and licensing schemes can’t even run their own election process.
The ATF is an unconstitutional criminal organization that should be disolved with the repeal of the equally unconstitutional NFA.
ATF Proposes Step to Make a National Gun Registry Easier
The ATF has issued new rules that will alter the format for Form 4473’s and make it easier to create a national gun registry.
Wait, wha-
California Sheriff Supports Gun Owner Privacy After Newspaper Requests Records
If law-abiding gun owners needed another reason to be dubious of why their firearms ownership should be made public, the San Francisco Chronicle recently provided it.
Tors Hammer
Make gunownership public ? What a great way to help the criminals to find unarmed victims.
- February 17, 2020
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Right To Keep And Bear Arms
This is what they consider "common sense" in California.
- February 17, 2020
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Or to help criminals figure out who to burgle. They love to steal guns.
- April 9, 2020
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How To Use a AR500 Armor’s Armored Backpack ~ VIDEO
Having an armored backpack allows the user to be discreet, have protection with them in the course of their day by having something they would normally have anyway.
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FBI Data Show More Good News on Crime Trends
Through 2016, there have been over 17.7 million modern sporting rifles in the hands of law-abiding citizens. Meanwhile, violent crime is declining. The message is clear.
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"The current law, found at 18 USC 922(q)(2), outlaws carrying a firearm unless 'the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a politic... View More
Below the Radar: HR 5301 introduced by Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK)
Sometimes, legislation is ignored because there is no flashy title.
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Freedom Ordnance FX 9 Short Fun Shoot with OreGear
A short Fun Shoot of the Freedom Ordnance FX-9 with OreGear. See his channel here: Follow us on Inst...
New Ladder Sight from Skinner Sights
Skinner’s Ladder Sight makes the original Winchester Buckhorn sight look like a piece of scrap metal.
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