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Then and Now

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Then and Now
Kailash Temple, Ellora Caves, India. Monolithic Rock cut Hindu temple. Built between 756 and 773 CE. Pictures from 1865 and 2018.
Then and Now
Park Street, Kolkata, India 1930s vs Now
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Then and Now
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - 1979 and now
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Then and Now
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - 2000 and Now
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Then and Now
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - 2005 and Now
Then and Now
Perm, Russia.
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Then and Now
A street in Bristol, UK
Then and Now
Liberty Square, Brno, Czech Republic. April 1966 and July 2019, both pictures taken on B&W slide film.
Then and Now
Plaza de Armas, Santiago de Chile, 1890 and Now
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Then and Now
Portillo train station in Zaragoza (used google earth)
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